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Provo City School District

Independence High School

Last modified: August 4, 2022

Design and Visual Communications

Disclosure Doc 2019-20 REVISED

Course Description:

Design & Visual Communications (DVC) is a Career Technical Education (CTE) course. In DVC we focus on artistic principles and techniques for effectively communicating ideas, information, product design, and product packaging. We will use digital as well as physical mediums to learn about business and consumer audiences and how art is used in the business world. We explore and practice successful work habits, including preparation, motivation and communication.

Learning Objectives:

Students will:


The grading scale is as follows:


Coursework is weighted in the following 3 categories. That means it is not just based on total point value.

Job Skills: 30%

Classwork: 45%

Projects: 25%

Due to the nature of the course, our class will be structured as if it were a professional work environment. 30% of the student’s grade will be based on learning and practicing the following job skills:


We will follow the existing district/school attendance policy in regards to absences and tardies.

Late work:

In most circumstances late work will be accepted until the end of the term. However, on occasion there are various assignments that are time-sensitive and/or material specific and may not be accepted after the assigned date. Students will be made aware of these particular assignments.

Partial or incomplete assignments will not be graded

Absences/Make-up Work:

Because this course uses a myriad of supplies and techniques, students who are absent MUST attend after-school to make-up missing assignments or technique demos.

If you are TRUANT you cannot make up any work that was missed that day.


Behavior that is detrimental to the student or others cannot and will not be tolerated. Below you will find a “Safe Student Conduct” list that each student will be required to follow. Students who are unable to follow the procedures set for the class will be subject to the school discipline policy and possible removal from the program. Due to the conditions that exist in the classroom, the following rules must be adhered to at all times.

  1. Horseplay (running, clowning, throwing objects, or other unsafe acts) will not be tolerated.
  2. All injuries must be reported to the instructor immediately.
  3. All broken tools must be reported to the instructor immediately.
  4. Deliberate misuse and damage of tools, equipment, or supplies will be paid for by the person responsible and possibly lead to dismissal from the course.
  5. Students will respect each other and work in a cooperative and productive environment.


Cheating is sad and unacceptable. Students found cheating or stealing others’ assignments will automatically receive a zero score for that assignment and will not be allowed to make it up. If a student is caught cheating on multiple assignments or more than once – they will FAIL for the term and possibly be expelled from the course. We will follow strictly the Provo School District’s Academic Integrity Policy. All incidences of cheating will be permanently documented on the student’s school record.

Provo School District Consequences of Academic Dishonesty

1st Incident:

2nd Incident in the same or proceeding school years of the middle or high school levels:


Due to the nature of this course we use a wide variety of supplies that vary in size and cost. Trust is very important issue in our classroom. Therefore, any student caught stealing will be removed from the course indefinitely.

Computer Use:

We follow the Provo School District Electronic resources Policy No. 4202 in regards to computer and electronic resources usage. The full policy can be found below or at:

In addition to the district policy there is a zero tolerance policy for food/drink or vandalism in our computer lab. Vandalism includes but is not limited to graffiti/tagging on or near the computers, equipment, or desks. Switching or removing keys from the keyboards and/or making any unapproved adjustments to the computer settings are also considered vandalism. Food or drink near the computers will be confiscated. The consequences for any food/drink or vandalism will be determined based upon the severity of the incident. Most likely – a first offense will result in cleaning the computer screens, keyboards, and counters – after school.

Provo City School District Computer Use Policy

Policy Series 4000: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment

Policy No. 4202

Electronic Resources

The Provo City School District Board of Education recognizes that an effective public education system develops students who are globally aware, civically engaged and capable of managing their lives and careers. The board also believes that students need to be proficient users of information, media and technology to succeed in a digital world.

Therefore, Provo City School District will use electronic resources as a powerful and compelling means for students to learn core subjects and applied skills in relevant, responsible and rigorous ways. It is the district’s goal to provide students with rich and ample opportunities to use technology in schools just as individuals in workplaces and other real-life settings. The district’s technology will enable educators and students to communicate, learn, share, collaborate and create, think and solve problems, manage their work and take ownership of their lives.

To help ensure student safety and citizenship in online activities, all students will be educated about appropriate behavior, including possible consequences of interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyber-bullying awareness and response.

Provo City School District provides Network Services to its students and employees. “ NetworkServices” includes all computer hardware, network and Internet services and associated software. The District firmly believes that the valuable information and interaction available on the internet far outweigh the risks of users obtaining material that is not consistent with the educational goalsof the district. Access to Network Services will be provided to students and staff who are expectedto act in a considerate and responsible manner.

Provo City School District reserves the right at its discretion to access or monitor (with or without notice) use of any computer system connected to the district network. The reasons may include investigating or resolving network or communications problems, preventing system misuse, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requests, and enforcing Provo City School District’s acceptable use standards.

Staff and student disciplinary action may be taken if Provo City School District learns of inappropriate use of computing systems or networks.

The board directs the superintendent to create strong electronic educational systems that support innovative teaching and learning, provide appropriate staff development opportunities and develop procedures to support this policy.
