Last modified: February 5, 2025
Course Catalog
Not every course offered herein may actually “run” each year due to low student enrollments, a change in teaching assignment, or other such reason. Some courses may be offered in alternating years – or possibly even less frequently. Courses that do not run for four consecutive years will be removed from the catalog.
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English Credits
English 9
1.0 Year English Credit
English 9 offers a variety of activities that include reading a variety of text (non-fiction, fiction, a play, poetry, essay, and news articles), writing units that prepare students in argument, research, and essay writing. The writing units will include lessons on commonly confused words, root words, grammar units, and vocabulary.
English 10
1.0 Year English Credit
Students will study a variety of texts including short stories, poetry, plays, essays, novels, etc. Students will learn an assortment of writing skills including personal narrative, argumentative, expository, and basic research skills. Students will develop oral presentation and evaluation skills while participating in individual, partner, and group projects and discussions. Students will master use of conventions of English including parallel structure, types of phrases, punctuation, figurative language, and reading strategies.
English 11
1.0 Year English Credit
English 11 can be so much fun, because we’ll be reading and writing a ton. Reading books, poems, stories, plays, writing narratives and argumentative essays. As we discuss, we’ll be learning to think. Just bring some paper, a book, and some ink!
English 12
1.0 Year English Credit
English 12 offers a variety of activities that include reading a variety of texts (non-fiction, fiction, a play, poetry, essay, and news articles), writing for college and career(essays, reports, resumes, cover letters, memos), and a foreign film unit (reading about issues found in the films, writing about the films, etc.)
1.0 Year English Elective Credit
ESOL offers students a way to learning and practice English that will allow them to improve their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills of the English language. Students will use activities, group work, and centers to make connections with what they already know, to what they need to know to find success with academic English.
Creative Writing
0.5 Year English Elective Credit
This elective English course offers unlimited opportunities to the creative student who has a passion for writing. Students will intensively edit their own work for various literary contents. In class participation is a vital part of the coursework. The students will , Write poetry Essays, Drafting on their own writing, Short stories, Literary criticism, Drama, Critical thinking, Criticism and Thesis support
Children’s Literature
0.5 Year English Elective Credit
This non-traditional English course has a dual focus: (1) to introduce (or re-introduce) students to the fun of children’s “classics” and the newest books in children’s literature (2) to survey types of children’s books from the perspective of a future parent. Students will look at such diverse kinds of literature as ABC books, nursery rhymes, picture books (Caldecott), fairy tales, myths/legends, poetry, information books, chapter books (Newberry), adventures, mysteries, romances, and social problem books from a young adult perspective. View movies, Read and listen, Write for children, Analyze, present, and gain appreciation for book illustrations. Both individual and small group skills are employed in classroom activities.
1.0 Year English Elective Credit
Assigned By English Teacher Based On DRP Score: A course in reading for students with low grade level DRP reading scores, which provides extra on‐grade level reading support who need more time.
Business Communications
1.0 Year English Elective Credit
Business Communication affects all aspects of our lives. This introductory course will teach students to communicate in a clear, courteous, concise, complete and correct manner on both the personal and professional levels. Competency will be developed in oral, written, interpersonal, technological, and employment communication. Listening skills will be incorporated throughout the semester. The overriding goal is to provide students with a solid communication base, so they are able to communicate effectively.
Math Credits
Accounting 1
0.50 Math Elective Credit
Accounting, a basic fundamental for all businesses, is an excellent background for any career and is required for students who will have business-related college majors. Students learn concepts of double-entry accounting as well as banking, taxes, payroll procedures, and personal finances, and record-keeping. Accounting is a practical application of math.
Math Essentials
1.0 Year Math Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Pre-Algebra. Mathematics Essentials will improve student understanding of basic mathematics concepts and develop essential skills needed to be successful in the high school mathematics curriculum. The standards taught include arithmetic, algebraic reasoning, basic geometry concepts, fundamental statistics and probability. No student who has passed any course beyond Algebra I should be enrolled in this course.
Secondary Math 1
1.0 Year Math Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Pre-Algebra. The Students will formalize and extend the math that they have learned in the middle grades. The critical areas, organized into units, deepen and extend understanding of linear relationships, in part by contrasting them with exponential phenomena. Secondary Math 1 uses properties and theorems involving congruent figures to deepen and extend understanding of geometric knowledge and prior grades. The final unit in the course ties together the algebraic and geometric ideas studied.
Secondary Math 2
1.0 Year Math Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1/ Secondary Math 1. Just when you thought you knew how to count. Imaginary numbers?? That’s impossible!! Complex numbers?? Aren’t they hard enough already? This course focuses on quadratic equations, functions, and graphs. A new number system will be introduced along with different ways to count. Trigonometry is also introduced, which every surveyor knows how to do. Probability of passing your class…guess you’ll find out.
Mathematics for Decision Making
1.0 Year Math Elective Credit
Mathematical Decision Making is a four-quarter course for seniors. The course includes mathematical decision making in finance, modeling, probability and statistics, and making choices. The four quarters of instruction are independent of each other, allowing students to enter and exit the course quarterly. Students will make sense of authentic problems and persevere in solving them. They will reason abstractly and quantitatively while communicating mathematics to others. Students will use appropriate tools, including technology, to model mathematics. Students will use structure and regularity of reasoning to describe mathematical situations and solve problems.
Science Credits
Environmental Science
1.0 Year Physical Science Credit
Students will develop knowledge and skills in a wide range of advanced agricultural science studies. The scientific method is introduced and applied through experimentation and research. Selected animal and plant science principles are covered, such as genetics, health and well-being, diseases and pests, and management practices. Biotechnology and related applications are included, as are natural resources, the environment, and sustainability. The fundamentals of veterinary science are introduced. Career opportunities and needed educational preparation are examined. Learning activities are provided through classroom, laboratory, and supervised agricultural experience instruction.
1.0 Year Biology Science Credit
Why do cockroaches, snakes, scorpions, mosquitoes, flies, and other pests exist? Some think they exist to be pests. I say NAY NAY! Cockroaches exist to make more cockroaches, snakes to make more snakes, scorpions to make more scorpions, etc… Come and find out how life processes allow this to happen to pests and to you.
Earth Science
1.0 Year Physical Science Credit
This class is the study life on earth, geologic change, and the interaction of atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. In this class you will explore cosmic and global phenomena to better understand interactions of energy, matter, and life. These explorations will range from understanding the nature of stars to how changes in rainfall can affect the tiniest ecosystem. Earth Systems Science provides many opportunities for hands on investigation and exploration. Students will be able to design and perform experiments that help them learn about the unique processes that take place on our planet. Some of the topics we will cover in our explorations are Astronomy and the Creation of the Universe, Dynamics of Oceans and Marine Life, Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, and Changes in Earth’s Ecosystems. This course is a wonderful tool to help you discover the world we live in!
Social Studies Credits
US History
1.0 Year US History Credit
In United States History students will engage in curriculum spanning from the early colonization of North America to the modern issues facing this great country. Students will learn to interpret maps, derive meaning from primary and secondary source texts, gather information from various sources, and write effectively within the content. This course is an opportunity to explore the path that brought our nation from humble beginnings to its current state of power and influence around the globe.
U.S. Citizenship & Government
0.50 Semester US Gov’t Credit
Ever wonder what it takes to become a US Citizen? This course explores, in detail, the foundations of our U.S.A. form of government and the rights, privileges and responsibilities of citizens. The final for this course will unofficially qualify you to become a US Citizen.
World Civilizations
0.50 Semester World History Credit
This course emphasis is on countries other than the U.S. It examines civilizations of the ancient world to the present day. Civilizations studied may include: Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greece, Rome, Africa, the Americas, medieval Europe, European Renaissance, exploration, and colonialism; World Wars I and II; Arab/Israeli and other Middle Eastern conflicts; emergence of China and Japan as world powers; Latin American revolutions and world relations; African independence movements; and the changing world power structure.
JROTC-LET 1 (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps -Leadership Education & Training)
1.0 YEAR Social Studies Elective Credit
This course includes ÍNTRODUCTORY training in citizenship, se1fdiscipline, goal setting, communications, physical improvement, mountaineering, orienteering, teamwork, leadership, history, career opportunities, health, and first aid.
JROTC – LET 2/3/4 – 1 (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps -Leadership Education & Training)
1.0 Year Social Studies Elective Credit
Prerequisite: JROTC Let 1. This course includes advanced training in citizenship, goal setting, communications, physical improvement, mountaineering, orienteering, leadership, teamwork, firearm safety, history, career opportunities, health, and first aid. LET l is a prerequisite for enrollment in this course.
JROTC Special Teams
1.0 YEAR Social Studies Elective Credit
Prerequisite: JROTC Let 1. This course will motivate students to become better leaders, team members, and citizens. It will help students gain self-confidence through the setting and accomplishment of realistic goals. They Will develop commitment and trust, using teamwork and improve student self-discipline, leadership, follower-ship, technical skills, and sense of safety through the use of Color guard, Drill Team, Honor Guard, Rifle Marksmanship, and High Adventure (mountaineering, orienteering, and Winter sports) team activities. Skills include training in citizenship, self-discipline, goal setting, communication, physical improvement, drill and ceremonies, mountaineering, orienteering, leadership, and firearrn safety. It is a hands-on, activity-oriented course designed to build personal athletic skills and team achievements. Concurrent enrollment in any J ROTC LET course is a prerequisite for enrollment in this course.
CTE Credits
Design & Visual Communication
1.0 YEAR CTE Credit
Concert posters, cool t-shirts, and cartoon characters. Design and Visual Communications is for students who want to learn about art and design in their everyday lives. By producing your own artwork, studying art related occupations and design trends your understanding and enjoyment of design will increase, along with your skill. Students will learn basic drawing, painting and color usage, as well as beginning computer illustration.
Child Development
0.50 Semester CTE Credit
If you like puzzles, this is the class for you, come learn all the twists and turns of child development. This class prepares you to understand children’s physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth and development, as well as their care and guidance, Learn parenting skills, Developmental theories and human growth from prenatal thru preschool aged children.
Adult Roles
0.5 Semester Class CTE Credit
This semester class prepares students to understand the nature, function, and significance of individual and family relationships integrated with general financial literacy. Learn about decision-making to set and implement financial goals, values, communication skills, self-awareness, families, sources of income and the relationship between income and career preparation, crisis management, marriage preparation, marriage, money management, saving, investing, parenting and retirement planning.
Foods I
0.50 Semester CTE Credit
This class is for students who are interested in understanding the principles of nutrition and in maintaining a healthy life style. Attention will be given to the selection and preparation of food and personal health and well-being. Come learn to make fun and nutritious foods like pretzels, fruit pizza, Hawaiian haystacks and desserts.
Clothing I
0.50 Semester CTE Credit
Do you think you hate to sew, or do you love it? This course is for you! If you have had little or no sewing experience, and you want to learn, or if you have struggled with learning to sew in the past, this is the class for you. This foundational course will prepare students to move smoothly into more difficult sewing projects. Participation in FCCLA may be an integral part of this course.
Introduction to Emergency Medical Services
0.50 Semester CTE Credit
11th & 12th Grade Only. Do you have what it takes for a career as an athletic trainer, medical personnel (CNA, nurse, physician, pharmacist, paramedic), lifeguard, emergency response team member, or in public safety (law enforcement, fire fighter)? Introduction to Emergency Medical Services is a hands-on class using American Red Cross course materials while learning basic knowledge and skills needed to provide emergency care including CPR and first aid. Take the first step to prepare for many exciting careers.
Law Enforcement
0.50 Practical Art Credit
Have you always wondered what a police officer was thinking? Well wonder no longer! Come and take the Law Enforcement class taught by the distinguished Provo Police Officer. He will teach you all about how a police officer thinks. You will learn about analyzing a crime scene, conducting investigations, motor vehicle stop procedures, handling incidents, police in the community, drug and alcohol enforcement, and current Utah law. This class is not to be missed! You will especially like the “one time only” free pass in and out of the Utah County Jail (meaning a day field trip)!
Computer Technology
0.50 Semester CTE Credit
This one-semester Course designed to Develop basic Computer skills Learn proper document formatting, Create presentations, Create Spreadsheets. Students will be introduced to current programs including, Word processing (Microsoft Word), Slide show presentation (Microsoft Power Point), Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel). Students will also plan and develop towards learning goals and deciding what they want to learn in the area of Technology.
Leadership Principles
0.50 Semester Elective Credit
Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Application. Planning Activities, competition, assemblies, dress up days, service, while learning leadership skills. Team work required. This class will look great on your resume for jobs and scholarships. Make a difference, contribute, and become part of a team who represent the best of Independence High School.
Financial Literacy
0.50 Semester CTE Credit
Financial Literacy class is approved as a UVU concurrent enrollment class, FIN 1060. The class schedule and project documents will be available online for use in and out of class. Project submission will be done in Canvas. Emphasis is placed on collaborative efforts in a team environment. A culminating virtual simulation utilized in the course will be the Coast to Coast Living On Your Own simulation.
Health & P.E. Credits
0.50 Semester Health Credit
What does it take to be healthy? Does eating well and exercising guarantee you will be healthy and live for a hundred years? In Health, you will learn that nutrition and exercise are very important to your health but that there are a few more things that add to you being the healthiest human you can be. With a mix of physical, mental and social health you will learn about such topics as personality, relationships, drug prevention, mental disorders, stress prevention, disease prevention, reproduction, and nutrition. Take this class and learn how to be the healthiest human alive.
Fitness for Life
0.50 Semester PE Credit
Do you want to die of a heart attack at age 45? I didn’t think so. In this class, you will learn how you can prevent horrible health issues from happening to you by exercising and eating in the right ways. Subjects covered in this course will be target heart rates, nutrition, fitness plans, fitness testing, healthy body weights, and structures of body systems. We need healthier citizens to take over the world!
Participation Skills
0.50 Semester PE Credit
Want to have the most fun you can while still receiving credit? This class is the perfect class to have fun and still get credit for school because you will be able to participate in and learn about various sports and get your needed PE credit. This class isn’t just to make you get your heart pumping but it is also aimed at making you knowledgeable in the rules and techniques of the world’s most popular sports. Sports covered will be Basketball, Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Flag Football, Lacrosse, Floor Hockey, and Badminton.
Weight Conditioning
0.50 Semester PE Elective Credit
Do you want to look like Dave Kent or do you want to look like Lebron James? You have a choice when it comes to the sculpting of your body. Learn how you can incorporate lifting into your exercise routine to become stronger, faster and more gorgeous. Whether you want to just tone up or you want to bulk up, this course is for you. Learn the fundamentals to lifting the right way to achieve your dreams of the perfect body for you.
Internships & Work-based Learning
Critical Workplace Skills
0.50 Semester Elective Credit
Prerequisite: Coursework in desired Career Field
Internships provide an opportunity for students to voluntarily train in a career field of their choice. It is individually tailored to bring motivated high school students together with community professionals for a comprehensive training experience. Students are placed in businesses relating to their career interests and goals. In most cases students must have related course work to be eligible for placement. On the job training combined with Monday seminars help students get a good understanding of their own future goals and interests along with great practical experience.
Applications are available in the Counseling office from Olsen. Before registering for an internship students should meet with Mr. Randon Olsen to determine what kind of internship would meet their needs.
Some examples of internships: Medical (including hospital, private physicians, sports therapy, etc.), secretarial, veterinary medicine, auto, law, engineering, computer programming, web page development, construction trades, and much more.