Last modified: February 5, 2025
How to Succeed at IHS
Our purpose at Independence High School is to help each student reach state academic standards and to earn their high school diploma. Earning your diploma is one of the keys to unlocking doors of opportunity throughout your life, and we’re here to help you get started toward a happy and successful future!
We need you to do your part. You can help by:
- Coming to school and attending your classes. Attending class will enable your teachers to help you pass the course.
- Pay attention in class so you can understand the material presented by the teacher. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
- Complete and turn-in classroom assignments. Do your best to pass tests and quizzes. If you need help passing your classes, be a self-advocate and ask your teachers to assist you. They will be more than willing to help!
We’re here to help you meet the following goals:
- Take the classes you want and/or need and successfully pass them.
- Graduate from High School or pass your GED exam.
- Get into a college program (this means any education after high school; a trade, an internship, a university or higher education school to earn a bachelor’s degree or an associates degree, a certification, etc.)
- Enlist in the Army with all of the credentials and preparation you will need for military service.
- Make associations that will be helpful in becoming an intern, an apprentice, or a hired employee.
- Become educated to the degree that you can be successful at whatever you wish to accomplish in life.
You’ll grow and benefit in the following ways:
- Become more confident in yourself and your abilities than you are now.
- Be able to determine which classes and credits you will need to graduate.
- Enhance the confidence and self-esteem you need to meet the challenges of life.
- Become aware of the choices available to you throughout high school and beyond.