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Provo City School District

Independence High School

Last modified: October 16, 2022

Disorderly Conduct Policy

According to the law, a person is guilty of Disorderly Conduct if he/she

  1. Refuse to comply with a lawful order of the police to move from a public place, or knowingly create a hazardous or physically offensive condition which serves no legitimate purpose, or
  2. intending to cause public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm or recklessly creating a risk thereof, you:
    • Engage in fighting or in violent or threatening behavior,
    • Make unreasonable noises in public,
    • Make unreasonable noises in private that can be heard in public, or
    • Obstruct vehicle or pedestrian traffic.

Three referrals to the office for the same behavior will lead to a Disorderly Conduct Infraction filing with the school officer in addition to school-based consequences. Further infractions will lead to increased levels of consequences.

Reasons for office referral:

Insubordinate behavior (defiant to adult)

  • refusal to follow directions – including use of electronics
  • will not sit in assigned seat
  • not working in class
  • consistently unprepared

Disruptive behavior

  • disruptive and distracting to others
  • excessive talk-outs
  • pulling others off task
  • aggression/violence

Dress code violations

Damaging school property (vandalism)
