Last modified: February 5, 2025
IHS Orientation
Welcome to Independence High School
Mission and Values
Independence High School inspires students to be responsible, embrace learning, and become productive citizens. We focus on graduation and value:
- Perseverance
- Respect
- Integrity
- Decision-making skills
- Excellence
The Commitments of Independence High School
Learners must do the following:
- Learn from mistakes
- E valuate work based on success criteria
- Ask questions and accent challenges
- Receive and respond to feedback
- Never sive un
- Effort matters
- Reach goals
- State what l am learning
- After-school tutoring and Twilight classes
- Monday-Thursday advisory for grade tracking and credit recovery
- After-school classes and credit options
- Smaller class size (8-15 students)
- Closed campus – more likely to be in classes and pass them (Parents must sign students out)
- Dedicated and caring teachers and staff
Ways to Gain Credit
- Pass your classes—-If you pass every class, you can get up to 9.5 credits a year!!!
- Do a packet during advisory (When you finish one, do another.)
- BYU Independent Study course
- Independent study class
- Summer school
- Make up failed courses (teacher discretion)
Tardy Policy
Don’t be tardy!
- In the halls after bell with no hall pass = lunch detention or it will be decided per hex based on 1st period attendance reporting:
- At tardies 5, 6, and 7, a student will receive a lunch detention
- At tardies 8, 9, and 10, a student receives lunch detention plus a 1/2 day of In-School Suspension
- At 11 – 1st period tardies, students receive 1 day of In-School Suspension and a meeting is required with parent.
Closed Campus Info
- During the school day (including lunch), students must remain on campus.
- The parking lot areas and the Paul Reams Wilderness Park are OFF limits.
- Only students whose parents/guardians check them out of school may leave the building.
- If you leave without permission, parents are called and attendance is marked with a truancy.
Hall Pass Policy
When you want to use the hall pass, make sure you do the following:
- Ask permission
- Use it wisely (don’t go every period)
- Always HOLD the sign with the room number showing or make sure your pass is visible go directly to your destination and directly back (no tours of the school)
- Hallways are a red no-phone zone during class time
To Think About: Leave the sign near the hand wash station in the bathroom to keep them off the floors near the toilets!
Electronics Policy
This includes cell phones, music players, headphones, handheld gaming devices, chargers, tablets/iPads, etc.
- They are not to be seen or used during class time (or even while using the hall pass).
- Teachers have designated “rest areas” or “parking lots” that electronic devices are stored in during class time – classrooms are red no-phone zones.
- Green phone-use zones are passing periods in the hallways, lunchtime, and before and after school.
- If a phone is seen in a red no-phone zone, you will be kindly asked to go speak with the office.
To Think About: Leave the sign near the hand wash station in the bathroom to keep them off the floors near the toilets!
Language Policy
- Use of foul language will not be permitted on school grounds.
- Continued use of foul language will lead to discipline referrals.
- There will be no warning for using the f-word. Students choosing to use this word will receive an automatic lunch detention that day or the day following.
- Continued use will lead to further consequences.
Clothing and Dress
- Hats are allowed to be worn in the school.
- Within classrooms, teachers will determine their own hat policies.(That means if a teacher says to take off your hat…take it off with no complaint/comment.)
- Hats are under the same policy that determines clothing; gang, inappropriate, or other violations will lead to hats being taken.
General clothing guidelines
- Our goal while you are here at IHS is to prepare you for professional opportunities after high school. As such, the following guidelines are designed to prepare you for that:
- All students are expected to dress appropriately and act in a way helpful to an educational environment.
- Shorts, skirts, dresses, and holes in pants may not be higher than 5” above the knee. (If they are higher than that, leggings must be worn underneath or holes covered with cloth.)
- No tank tops – Shoulders must be covered for male and female students. (This means cold-shoulder shirts are not allowed.)
Exposed underclothing is not acceptable; if a sheer or
see-through shirt is worn, some other type of clothing must be worn underneath as to not expose underclothing. - Gloves and sunglasses are not allowed to be worn in the school.
- Shoes/sandals must be worn at all times; slippers are not allowed. (This is based on health code and safety regulations.)
- Clothing which displays or promotes obscene language, drugs, alcohol, violence, nudity, or other items not appropriate for school is not permitted; jackets, sweatshirts or T-shirts are available in the office if a student needs to change.
- Any clothing that promotes or suggests gang activity is not allowed. No bandanas, tagging, gang-signing or symbols or portrayal of illegal acts are allowed.
Ensure that shirts are not cut too low and that midriff (stomach) is not showing when sitting or standing.
You may be sent to the office if there are dress code questions. You will kindly be asked to fix the problem and sent back to class as quickly as possible.
Mission and Values
Independence High School inspires students to be responsible, embrace learning, and become productive citizens. We focus on graduation and value:
- Perseverance
- Respect
- Integrity
- Decision-making skills
- Excellence