Last modified: February 6, 2025
School Improvement Plan 2024 2025
School Improvement Status
- Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI) – no
- Additional Targeted Support & Improement (ATSI) – yes [ML, SWD, EDA]
- Comprehensive Support Improvement (CSI) – no
Strategic Plan Priority 1: Academic Achievement
Goal 1
Increase and maintain the Aspire+ growth percentile for ELA, Math, and Science to 40% or greater.
Goal 2
Maintain a graduation rate above 70%.
Action Steps:
- Administer screener test and compare data for individual students at the beginning, middle, and end of 2024-2025 school year
- Timeline: BOY, MOY, EOY
- Administer screener test and compare data for individual students at the beginning, middle, and end of 2024-2025 school year
- Timeline: BOY, MOY, EOY
- Provide extra FTE (.5-1.0) to decrease core class sizes by continuing “Integrated Studies” model
- Timeline: Summer 2024
- Cost: $49,832.71
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Provide extra FTE (.5-1.0) to expand core offerings to ensure graduation requirements are met
- Timeline: Summer 2024
- Cost: $41,539.44
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Monitor student core credit attainment (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies) to ensure 65% seniors are on track with core classes starting their senior year
- Timeline: Monthly through 2024-2025 school year
- Cost: $32,713.43
- Funding Source: Trackers
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Utilize instructional coach to support teachers with students who meet the following criteria: >70% attendance but failing >2 classes
- Timeline: At the end and beginning of each Hex
- Continue providing differentiated professional development opportunities to teachers in completing the district’s English Language Development (ELD) course and endorsement; use this endorsement to divide up the ELD class into a higher and lower level for more specific targeted student support
- Timeline:
- Learning Block 1: Aug-Jan
- Learning Block 2: Jan-May
- Timeline:
- ML students will be identified and supported by an FTE in an ELD class; a lead teacher will provide PD to teachers, track ML students and monitor all ACCESS testing. Funds will be used to pay for a prep for the ELD teacher.
- Timeline: ongoing
- Cost: $$15,000.00
- Funding Source: ML (5364)
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Administration will attend all Special Ed Team meetings, as scheduled; follow up regarding students with disabilities (SWD) will include student progress towards goals, screener test progress and growth, and assurances that students are being place in grade level content as well as support classes as needed
- Timeline: Monthly through 2024-2025 school year
- Funding Source: Trackers
- Timeline: Monthly through 2024-2025 school year
Strategic Plan Priority 2: Wellness and Safety
Goal 1
- Increase parent engagement by 10% over the course of the year by measuring attendance at parent/family nights, community outreach projects, and increase in social media followers.
Action Steps:
- Schedule and advertise dates for 2 “Parent/Family” nights; Track attendance at these parent/family nights. Gather baseline data at the first one and then increase the attendance at the second one by 10%
- Timeline: August 2024
- Cost: $400.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Utilize professional learning Block 1 group to plan and carry out “Community Outreach Project”; gather baseline data on engagement/participation
- Timeline: August 2024 – January 2025
- Cost: Dependent on chosen project
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Utilize professional learning Block 2 group to plan and carry out “Community Outreach Project” ; using the baseline data, increase engagement/participation by 10%
- Timeline: January 2025 – May 2025
- Cost: Depends on chosen project
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Social media survey, data analysis, and action plan
- Timeline: By Thanksgiving 2024
General Fund
- Allocation: $73,272.00
- Total in Plan: $400.00
- Remaining to Budget: $72,872.00
- Allocation: $49,533.39
- Total in Plan: $41,539.44
- Remaining to Budget: $7,993.95
- Allocation: $48,095.51
- Total in Plan: $49,832.71
- Remaining to Budget: -$1,737.20
EARS 5364 (ML Only for ELD prep only)
- Allocation: $15,000.00
- Total in Plan: $15,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: $0.00
TIII (ML) - No funds allocated this year (using EARS)
- Allocation: $9,821.00
- Total in Plan: $0.00
- Remaining to Budget: $9,821.00
Additional Explanation
There are times when the planned expenditures in the goals of the plan are provided by the district, a grant, or another anticipated funding source leaving additional funds to implement the goals. If additional funds are available, how will the council spend the funds to implement the goals in this plan?
- If this happens then we will continue to update our technology and software needs to support credit recovery. This includes chromeboxes and accessories and online credit recovery software. Depending on our current technology needs at the time, additional funds will also be used for more Independent Study technician time to support credit recovery.
Describe how and when progress will be communicated to stakeholders.
- Progress is communicated through the following means: social media posts, School Community Council meetings, advertising on our school website, back to school night, and Parent/Family nights.
Describe the process of involving stakeholders including the School Community Council, in the creation of the school improvement plan.
- Through parent focus groups held twice throughout 2023-2024 school year, teachers and administration received specific feedback on how the public feels about Independence High School and their perception as they had students trasition to attending IHS. The School Community Council participated in giving feedback for the foci in the plan. No planned expenditures for the Trustlands amounts were planned without Council approval, and other plans, while not needing official approval of the Council, were presented to them for their information and unofficial approval.
List the names and roles of the individuals involved in the creation of the school improvement plan.
- Jacob Griffin – Principal
- Kristen Chambers – Assistant Principal
- David Miller, Jamie Hollingshead, Alice Ficklin, Carmen Williams – School Leadership Team
- Sarah Wilder, John Wilder, Phil Sudweeks, Leticia Marquez, Jose Peralta – School Community Council members